Everything you need to know before booking a time:
The age limit for obtaining a piercing is 18 years, but if you have a legal guardian with you, the age limits are:
- 6 years for - earlobe
- 10 years for - helix
- 12 years for - nostril
- 15 years for - other piercings
- 18 years for - all intimate piercings
To make the visit as pleasant as possible, nothing is prepared until the customer arrives. In this way I can assure you that everything is handled correctly and is sterile and clean. It is important that you let me know if it feels bad in any way. I do not want anyone to be uncomfortable or get a piercing they will regret. You are always welcome to ask any questions as we go.
All jewelry I use is made of surgical steel or titanium. A basic piece of jewelry is included in the price of the piercing.
If you are under the influence of drugs/alcohol or are pregnant/breastfeeding, I will not pierce you.